Dr Lanfranco Muzi began his career in underwater acoustics as a research assistant at the Northwest Electromagnetics and Acoustics Research Laboratory of Portland State University (PSU - Portland, Oregon, USA), where he received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2015. From 2016 to 2018 he was a Research Associate at PSU, where his research activity, mainly funded by ONR, focussed on passive acoustics, while consolidating an expertise that ranges from underwater acoustic propagation modelling and simulation to array signal processing. With special regard to the use of arrays mounted on autonomous platforms (e.g., gliders), he has designed physics-based signal- and array-processing algorithms that use natural ambient noise as an acoustic source for determining sea bottom geoacoustic parameters. Dr Muzi has participated in multi-institution and multinational experiments at sea both in the USA and in Europe and was a Research Fellow at the NATO-STO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (La Spezia, Italy) in 2013 and 2014. Dr Muzi also worked for a couple of years for JASCO Applied Sciences on modelling and signal processing applications, prior to accepting a Senior Scientist position at Ocean Networks Canada, University of Victoria (Victoria, British Columbia), where he enjoys working to engage and support the science community at large, collaborating with scientists and researchers using the observatories in all phases from planning and experiment to publication. In a previous life, Dr Muzi was a nuclear engineer in Italy and conducted research in radiotherapy for cancer. He is a chartered nuclear engineer in Italy and a member of IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu and the Acoustical Society of America.