Authors are invited to submit up to two abstracts of 200 words maximum no later than the 15th July 2021 19th August 2021 through the conference website. The abstract must include a comprehensive title, the name of all authors, and their complete affiliation (address, e-mail).
Topics for the submission of the abstracts:
- Anthropogenic noise & other environmental sounds
This topic includes a broad range of underwater sound observations, observing systems and applications, from ambient sound to undesired sources such as anthropogenic sound, soundscape studies, methods, scientific experiments, environmental impact assessment monitoring programmes for local, national or international regulations.
- Acoustics for studying marine geophysics
This topic calls for studies, methods, science, systems related to the observation of sound for geophysical sciences, leading to a better understanding of tectonic, volcanic phenomena, including the study and observation of cryogenic sound sources. Advances in technologies and methods, current and future observing systems are of interest.
- Bioacoustics
This topic calls for studies, methods, science, systems related to the observation of biological sounds, from acquisition to acoustic processing methods and new tools, leading to better monitoring and/or understanding of sound-producing life forms. Advances in technologies and methods, current and future observing systems are also of interest.
- New discoveries and applications from ocean sound observing
This topic ranges from new measurements or results from sound observation in new areas, to the discovery of new sound sources, and new applications, to advance knowledge or industrial.
- Technologies for underwater sound observing, from acoustic data acquisition to products
Of high interest are new observing systems, sensors, software that demonstrate or improve the capacity of observing systems, fixed or mobile, to monitor ocean sound, description of new data products or services derived from ocean sound observing are also of high interest.
- Others
For posters that do not strictly apply to any of the previous topics but are still on ocean sound observing or related.
We invite authors to use the following abstract template: